CS 5450 - Spring 2024 Networked and Distributed Systems

Welcome to CS 5450

This course introduces students to the design and implementation of networked and distributed systems. Topics include the basics of networking (including Internet architecture, TCP/IP, Wi-Fi, and routing), distributed protocols, foundations of cloud computing, reliability, fault tolerance, and security in distributed systems, and introduction to performance evaluation. Course labs and projects include a significant implementation component and require working knowledge of C/C++.

The class Tues&Thurs 11:40am-12:55pm. Location: Bloomberg 131.

Slack channel

Please use Slack for all interactions regarding the class.

Course Staff

Vitaly Shmatikov (Instructor)

email: shmat@cs.cornell.edu

Office hours: message on Slack

Tingwei Zhang (TA)

email: tz362@cornell.edu

Office hours: Fri 9-10am

Link: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/95296651947?pwd=WGV2eDBJcnkwbU5YVnhpZkxseTB4UT09

Important notes:


Academic Integrity

The utmost level of academic integrity is expected of all students.

Under no circumstances may you submit work done with or by someone else under your own name. However, general questions regarding the class are permissible. If you are unsure post on Slack privately.

You must acknowledge by name anyone whom you consulted. You may not give nor receive assistance from anyone else during an exam or midterm. You may not give any hints or post any material that might be part of a solution publicly on Slack. If your question necessarily includes such material, post privately.

If you are unsure about what is permissible and what is not, please ask.

Academic Integrity Resources: